Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bennett Spring Banquet/Winter Outing 12/03/2011

We sure enjoyed another fly fishing trip last weekend (Fri - Sun). This was our club's yearly winter outing and banquet, sponsored by our Heart Of America Fly Fishers (HOAFF), at Bennett Spring State Park. It turns out that the weather was pretty decent, even hitting mid 50's on Saturday. Only caught a couple hours of spinkles the whole weekend at the end of Saturday. And the fish were cooperating very well, certainly better than average. Our group consisted of  myself, my friend Bill, Kyle, Rocky, and his friend Al. We stayed at Sand Spring Resort just north of the park. The best flies for us seemed to be the Woolly (black and olive), soft hackle, caddis dry, chernobyl ant, midges, glo balls, and Scud. None of us caught any monsters, as many were stocker size and a few decent in the 12 - 16 inch range. We enjoyed a nice lunch consisting mainly of chili and hot dogs, which really hit the spot, and then the annual banquet down at Ollie's. There was a raffle for a 5 weight rod that went to Bill Brant.Overall, the park wasn't very crowded so we got to fish mostly where we wanted in the park.The most productive locations for us were both sides of the Whistle Bridge and the Island. The winer season is all catch-and-release.

Here are a few pictures below, or for the complete album, go to:


Kyle & Rocky


Whistle Bridge






Rainbow Trout